INO Player GATEKEEPS TOP RANKED FLOOR with help from HOOKGANGGOD!? | Guilty Gear STRIVE Online Sets

So during my time in the top ranked celestial floor (or heaven) I run into so many players desperate to join the big leagues as they attempt to finish their promo matches. This ranking system however is brutal for these kinds of players, as HookGangGod indirectly joins me in gatekeeping the top floor! Enjoy! ➤ Check out my livestreams! ➤ Follow me on Twitter! ➤ Join the community! Tags: Guilty Gear Strive,Guilty Gear Strive HookGangGod,hookganggod guilty gear,Guilty Gear Strive Ranked Matches,Guilty Gear Strive Ino matches,Guilty Gear Strive high ranked ino matches,Guilty Gear Strive celestial rank,guilty gear strive heaven,guilty gear i-no matches,guilty gear high ranked i-no matches,guilty gear high level play,INO Player GATEKEEPS TOP RANKED FLOOR with help from HOOKGANGGOD!? | Guilty Gear STRIVE Online Sets,guilty gear strive gameplay,guil
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