らじみくConnect! 【初音ミク Hatsune Miku】

This video was created by listeners of the VOCALOID program “Radio Miku(#らじみく)“ being broadcast on CBC Radio. CBCラジオで絶賛放送中のボカロ番組「RADIO MIKU」(#らじみく)をイメージして、リスナーが作ってみた動画です。 コラボメンバー(Team Member) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★作編曲:雪音あろん() ★作詞:もちぴー() ★動画:みど ★イラスト:ハッサン()       なお()       ちくわ犬()       もちぴー       雪音あろん ★イラスト協力:乙れん() ★サムネイルイラスト:雪音あろん ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This composer is usually active as an illustrator , but this time he wrote the song with Hatsune Miku for the first time. The song is a beginner’s maiden work, but the lyrics, videos and pictures drawn by all the members
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