‘Most lethal fighting force in the world?’ Kamala Harris’ funniest ‘joke’ at presidential debate

‘Most lethal fighting force in the world?’ Kamala Harris’ funniest ‘joke’ at presidential debate Speaking at Tuesday night’s presidential debate, Harris claimed military leaders consider Donald Trump “a disgrace,” that Washington’s NATO allies “are so thankful that [he is] no longer president,” and “understand the importance of the greatest military alliance the world has ever known, which is NATO.” Harris has some authority to speak about “disgraces” affecting the military, given what’s happened to it under her and President Biden’s watch. ◻️ In August 2021, the 20-year NATO-led occupation of Afghanistan and attempts to build a functioning government and security force ended in epic failure, with the Taliban storming across the nation’s major cities and smashing its NATO-trained army in just ten days. The operation, unlike anything seen since the 1975 fall of Saigon, happened so fast that NATO troops, and up to $85 billion in equipment, were still in the country when Kabul fell. ◻... Source: Sputnik International
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