Start your day with energy, strength, relaxation & focus.
This is a super short morning FLOW TRAINING that you can do when you don’t have much time. Doing something every morning keeps us consistence by getting our body used to the feeling of working out and making it a daily morning habit. You may think that 7 minutes is not worth it but I assure you that working out every day for 7 minutes instead of don’t working out at all makes a big difference in your level of energy, how you react to stress, the abil
3 weeks ago 00:02:25 1
Шикарные МЯСНЫЕ ПАЛЬЧИКИ из ГОВЯДИНЫ в томатном соусе
2 months ago 00:03:39 1
After 7 My Only Woman 3 min 31 sec 10:16:90 Red Car D J Webster Red Car