Д.Медведев.Cнижение потребления алкоголя в России.

Meeting on Measures to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in Russia. August 12, 2009 Sochi Начало совещания о мерах по снижению потребления алкоголя в России. 12 августа 2009 года Сочи PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Colleagues, As was agreed a while ago, we are meeting today in expanded format to discuss measures for fighting alcoholism. At the State Council meeting on youth policy we agreed to address this subject separately, in detail, and make the necessary decisions. You know just how serious a problem alcoholism has become for our country. Frankly speaking, it has taken on the proportions of a national disaster. According to the Healthcare and Social Development Ministrys statistics, per capita alcohol consumption in Russia taking the whole population, including babies now stands at 18 litres of pure alcohol a year. You can calculate for yourselves how many bottles of vodka this means quite simply alarming. This is more than twice the level that the World Health Organisation defines as d
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