Dynjandi - Gulli Björnsson (UNBOUND) performed by JIJI

How can you capture the beauty and the intensity of a magnificent Icelandic waterfall? What would it sound like? This is one of the most challenging pieces I’ve ever performed. The piece is called DYNJANDI and is part of UNBOUND, a commissioning project/album concept/recital program and it is to explore what virtuosity looks/sounds like in the 21st century. I’ve asked 8 amazing composers from all over the world; Australia, Brazil, Iceland, Latvia, and the United States, to each write me a virtuosic solo guitar piece. Fast arpeggios, fast scales, or complex rhythm? It’s totally up to the composers’ interpretation. I’m challenged to push my limits as a guitarist and I’m very excited for this challenge. Here is a text from Gulli Björnsson, the composer of DYNJANDI that you are about to hear. “When Jiji asked me to compose something for her album she asked for something virtuosic. I remember saying back “are you sure? Ok, I’m going to make you practice a lot then&
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