Veetaleek “Suburban Secret” art exhibition in LAC

Suburbs are often not taken seriously. Some people call them sleeping districts. Sometimes they seem to have no functions other than a bed, where you can return from downtown which is full of opportunities and adventures. This exhibition offers to look at remote areas from a different angle. Give them opportunity to be interesting, with their own character and appearance. Suburbs often have a special wealth. Everyone gets plenty of space here. The apartments are large, some even have two refrigerators. The streets are wide, the parks are full of air. There are fewer people and enough space for everyone to open the wings and be a bird in the wild. You can meet the real nature here, instead of a tidy park with a map in front of the entrance. This exhibition is a collection of feelings inspired by suburb ease, silence, purity, and unity with nature. These drawings, paintings and sculptures show the beauty of life far from the centre. #artexhibition #artist #russianartist #shanga
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