Kempo training, practice, techniques. Secrets of strong kicks,Mawashi,Yoko, Geri. 武道少林寺拳法

[ TRANSLATED IN MANY LANGUAGES ]Shorinji Kempo training, practice, techniques. Secrets of strong blows, Mawashi, Yoko, Geri. 少林寺拳法. 武道少林寺拳法 00:00 - Training topic, Mawashi, Yoko, Sokuto geri. 00:20 - The right leg workout. 01:29 - Mahi feet. 02:31 - Features of the pink Mawashi Gehry. 03:20 - leading exercises for Mawashi Gehry. 04:41 - the most important thing in the blow of Mawashi Geri. 06:16 - shock surfaces of pink Mawashi Geri. 06:35 - using the wall to practice kicks. 070: 09 - Features of the pink Sashikomi asi Mawashi Geri. 08:52 - what determines the strength of the kick of Mawashi Geri. 09:54 - Yoko-jeri, Sokuto-jeri. 10:14 - Important points in kicks of Yoko-jeri, Sokuto-jeri. 10:35 - the use of a stool. 11:12 - the best lead-up exercises for kicks. 11:48 - Sashikae asi Sokuto geri. 12:11 - Strengthening the legs for kick power. PlAYLISTS: All About Shorinji Kempo Film Shorinji Kempo
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