The Fractal VP4 is here. An extensive library of Fractal effects in a compact, pedalboard friendly format that is easily integrated into any guitar, bass or synth rig.
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Disclaimer: I am a Fractal Audio beta tester and I was involved in testing the VP4 as well as creating some of it’s factory presets.
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Gear I use to make my videos
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⪢ I use footswitch toppers fro
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00:00 - VP4 Overview
01:04 - Jam
02:23 - Using the VP4
08:52 - Scenes & Channels
11:00 - Preset Examples
11:48 - Rack Style FX
12:56 - Symphonic Chorus
13:51 - 2290 Delay
14:10 - Aurora Delay & Cloud Verb
14:32 - Pitched Delays & Shimmer
15:01 - EPIC Reverbs
17:12 - Volante Style Echo
18:14 - “Grab and Go“ Rig
19:18 - POG Style Pitch
20:00 - BOSS Classics
20:59 - EHX Classics
22:09 - Chorii
23:10 - My Favourites
24:10 - 4 Multitap Delays!
24:51 - Noise Gate, EQ, Routing & Controllers
26:35 - VP4 Edit
27:21 - Use Cases
29:19 - Outro JamShow more