IAPLC 2021 rank #19 “Guardian of the Forest“ 450L

IAPLC 2021 rank #19 “Guardian of the Forest“ TANK SIZE : 450L (150x60x50cm) Lighting : AQUAS “Metal Light Pendent“ x2ea Materials : Wood , Local Stone, neo Soil AQUATIC PLANTS: Vesicularia antipyretica, Riccardia Chamedryfolia Micranthemum ’Monte Carlo’ Bolbitis heteroclita ’Difformis’ Ceratopteris thalictroides Rotal sp. Nanjen Eleocharis parvulus Eriocaulon sp. cuchi Vietnam Bucephalandra sp. Hydrocotyle yabei Makino Fantinalis antipyretica, etc. Fish : Neon Dwarf Rainbow Music : Love, Love, Love
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