Qixi Festival | Story behind Chinese Valentine’s Day 牛郎织女七夕节

The Double Seventh Festival (Qixi Festival) is one of the Chinese traditional festivals, and also known as a Chinese Valentine’s Day. It’s based on a romantic legend about a weaver girl (织女) and an ox herd (牛郎). Learn more about the festival at: Get daily updates at our FB groups: Interesting things about Chinese Culture: Learn Chinese: #qixifestival #chinesevalentinesday #七夕 #qixifestivalstory #qixifestivaltraditions #qiqiaofestival #qiqiao #qixifestival2021 #qixifestivalmusic #doubleseventhfestival #doubleseventhday #doubleseventhdaychina #doubleseventhfestivalstory #七夕节 #牛郎 #牛郎織女 #织女 #牛郎星 #银河 #milkyway #chinesestory #chineseculture #chinesecultureforkids #chinesecultureshortvideo #lovestory #romantic #chinese customs
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