Huskies (1950)

Huskies in Quarantine, Edenbridge. L/S Kennels. C/U Husky puppies behind wire. M/S Keeper approaching gate, goes through and shuts it behind him. M/S and C/U Man puts his booted feet in bucket of disinfectant. M/S He goes through gate, shuts it behind him, and walks out of frame. L/S Keeper walks away from camera towards dogs. Two puppies follow him. M/S Keeper approaches dogs, kneels and strokes one. C/U Keeper looking at dog’s paw, ears and teeth. M/S Approaching another dog, takes comb out of pocket and starts to comb dog. C/U Combing dog. C/U Husky. M/S Another husky lying down, it stands up as keeper approaches with food. M/S Keeper approaches with bucket of food, throws it to dogs and walks out of frame as dogs start to eat. L/S Keeper puts down food for husky, walks to two more and gives them food. C/U Huskies feeding. C/U Another husky feeding. C/U Puppy feeding lying down holding biscuit between paws. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV
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