Q’orianka Kilcher Honors Glen Curado, Founder of World Harvest Food Bank

Who’s Your Hero? On this and every July 20th, we are honoring our country’s everyday heroes in the first ever National Heroes Day. We thank the many Congressmen who have introduced the Resolution today so that everyday, unsung heroes of all ages, races and creeds will be honored for their heroic acts. Please join us in honoring those extraordinary people. Visit and nominate a hero today. This day was inspired by the many heroes from the mass shooting in Aurora, CO on July 20, 2012, and was established in honor of four young men who sacrificed their lives saving others: Jonathan Blunk, John Larimer, Matt McQuinn and Alex Teves. The soul of humanity shines brightest through the heart of a hero. #NationalHeroesDay #WhosYourHero
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