Essential Keybindings For Bash, Fish and Zsh

One of the most useful features of the Bash shell (Fish and Zsh too!) is the built-in keybindings that can greatly speed up your terminal workflow. By default, your shell uses Emacs-style keybindings, but you can change to Vim-like bindings if you prefer. The following are the commands to change to Vi-bindings (and back to Emacs-bindings). BASH: set -o vi (set -o emacs) ZSH : bindkey -v (bindkey -e) FISH : fish_vi_key_bindings (fish_default_key_bindings) The following commands were shown in this video. Listed are the Emacs-bindings followed by the Vim-bindings in parentheses: CTRL-a (0 or ^) jump to beginning of line CTRL-e ($) jump to end of line CTRL-f (h) move forward one char CTRL-b (l) move backward one char ALT-f (w) move forward one word ALT-b (b) move backward one word 2w, Vi-mode CTRL-k (d$) delete from this point to the end of the line CTRL-u (d0) delete from beginning of the line to this point CTRL-y (u
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