Stratford Prepares (1964)

Full title reads: “Stratford Prepares“. Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. The Bard’s home town prepares for Shakespeare’s 400th Anniversary. GV The Shakespeare Theatre and statue of William Shakespeare. GV Bridge Street in Stratford. CU Notice “Shakespeare Birthplace Trust“. GV Ext. of the Town Hall. SV Int. The Mayor’s parlour. The Mayor second from left and Town Officials discussing the festival programme. CU The Mayor AS Sign “Shakespeare’s Birthplace Trust“. Pan to sign Directors Office, Library and Records Office. SV Mr Levi Fox, Director of the Festival, with his secretary Miss Susan Pritchard. GV Statue of Shakespeare with Alveston Manor Hotel in background. GV Wing of the Manor being built. GV The new Shakespeare centre. CU Sign Board “New Shakespeare Centre“. LV ditto. As enters main entrance. LV Int. Workmen cleaning up large Shakespeare wording on wall. GV Ext. Main street in Stratford. GV Int. Jack Wilson and Assistants working in the costume headress and jewellery department. SV Jack W
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