Sculpting Blue Dragon Sea Slug ( Glaucus atlanticus ) using polymer clay Life of Clay

Glaucus atlanticus - have many common names include • Blue sea dragon • Sea swallow • Blue angel • Blue glaucus • Dragon slug • Blue dragon • Blue sea slug and • Blue ocean slug Is a species of small, blue sea slug, a pelagic aeolid nudibranch, a shell-less gastropod mollusk in the family glaucidae. Pelagic, meaning they live in the open ocean, they float upside down by using the surface tension of the water to stay up, and carried along by the wind or the ocean currents. It makes use of countershading: blue side of their body (ventral ) faces upwards, blends in with the blue water. Silvery grey side (dorsal ) facing downwards, blending in with the sunlight reflecting on the water surface when viewed facing upwards underwater. Glaucus atlanticus feeds on other poisonous pelagic creatures like portugese man o’war. They are known for their ability to stores stinging nematocysts from the siphon-nophores within its own tissue as defence against predator. So holding this blue dragon and other sea slugs is po
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