Banish Evil Spirits, Curses, Hexes & Negative Energies | Binaural Beats

#protectionagainstevil #removecurse #binauralbeats Banish Evil Spirits, Curses, Hexes & Negative Energies | Binaural Beats A pure binaural beat programme to help you rid your aura / self from any negative energies that may be connected to you. If you feel like you have nothing but bad luck and feel weighed down by something unseen then this session can help you remove and will also help protect you from any future attacks. DOWNLOADS Taken from the Spellbreaker Binaural Beats Pack: FREQUENCIES USED 396hz: Banish and dissolve negative energies 417hz: Wipes out negative behaviour 4096hz: Clears any negativity from demonic attachments : Facilitates change and strengthens the aura - a protection shield GUIDELINES Please wear stereo headphones with a good wide range of frequencies ( earphones will not be suffice ). Please listen on a low to medium volume. It
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