Hey Windjammers! Let’s look at the all the good stuff in wrestling and mock the bits that don’t work!
I noticed a fair bit of criticism from the last video and have done my best to include actual botches (i know right?) and reduced the amount of Simpsons bits (which still means that’s a fair few but it’s not overkill imo). Also don’t worry the video game sign montages have gone, I apologise for going over the top for so long on those. Let me know how Botchamania can be improved (or I’ll just niche reference myself into oblivion).
Why So Desolate? by Daniel Alm (DoD22-11: Licensed Games)
Character Select by John Carehag (Combat Cars)
Dead Sea (Coast Stage) by TEK (Skeleton Boomerang OST)
Thanks To...
Michael Scally for the wonderful thumbnail
KensethFan17_20 for the F1 themed intro!
Prehistoric Death Cult for the fabulous intro
Erika Reed - @DreamtimeReid
Syd Parker- @TheJurassicPunk
Funny T for the wonderful Taz & Excalibur drawings
Tapla for the Graves drawings
FantabulouslyCherry for her kid vs. Solo
Tom Campbell for the SWS intro
Desert Island Graps for the PCO interview
Repo Man for the Outlaw Wrestling society clips
Dan Mitchell for the GCW
Murdoink for the Taz variant
BobRoba for the Nick Gage drawing
William Schultz Todd of You Can’t See Meme: Simpsons Wrestling Memes News for the Cena ending
aeonlinear for his amazing stuff
Murdoink for the MK ending
IrishWrestling8 for the simpsons (of course)
Red Fallows for the x-ray kick
Heath Johnson for the BRAUUUN ending
Xincisions for the simpsons (of course)
stonecoldjedi for the Dude Love ending
thatretro for being Retro
Sgtviper for the amazing Goofy ending
raveneffectPT for the Iron Sheik FACK’N BOOLSHET mix
List Of Companies And Where To Find Them...
AEW for Danielson’s commentary
GCW for re-doing bits
LaTijeraLuchaLibre for that drunken lucha fan
And Also...
But regardless of what you do, take care of yourself and drink plenty of water for good health.