Khrushchev Denounces “Dictator“ Stalin (1956)

Soviet Communist Party Secretary Nikita Khrushchev denounces Stalin & Malenkov visits Britain. CU. Joseph (Josif) Visarionovich Stalin. GV. Scene from Russian October Revolution (taken from Eisenstein’s film October), & TV. CU. Russian (Soviet) soldiers climbing up stairs. SV. Still shot of Vladimir Ilich Lenin (Ulyanov) and Stalin, & CU. SV. Stalin seated with his daughter Svetlana whispering into his ear, & CU. CU. Children parading past Stalin in a Red Square, Moscow. CU. Stalin saluting and smiling from balcony. GV. Interior of the Soviet Supreme Council in session, people rising and applauding. STV. Stalin, Marshal Vorsorlov and Nikolai Bulganin applauding. GV. People seated. SV. Malenkov and Molotov seated with others on platform. SV. Stalin and Vorsorlov seated. GV. People milling past Stalin’s coffin. CU. Stalin laying, Malenkov comes into the picture, Vorsorlov stands next to him then Bulganin. Vyacheslav Molotov is seen standing on the end of he row and just behind Molotov is Nikita Khruschev. CU.
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