Quentin Reynolds Reports - Japanese Bomb Raids (1942)

Titles read: “QUENTIN REYNOLDS REPORTS - JAPANESE BOMB RAIDS“. C/U of American reporter Quentin Reynolds seated at desk - library shot. To Quentin’s commentary we see various shots of blazing buildings at Dutch Harbour on Unalaska Island - the Naval station was the target of Japanese bombers. Barracks and store houses at Fort Mears are also on fire. Men work to put out the blaze. The old station ship ’Northwestern’ was hit and the charred remains are in the harbour. Ships arrive at Port Moresby in New Guinea. Anti-aircraft guns swing into action in retaliation to a Japanese raid. Shells fall in the harbour and around. L/Ss of a burning ship which was the only casualty. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, wh
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