Babelcolour Tribute: THE TIME WAR

The Daleks are amassing for war. Their battle fleet encircles Gallifrey as the Time Lords face certain extinction. Only the Doctor is left to face the final terrible conlusion of the conflict. It’s War. The Time War. The Last Great Time War. Where everybody lost... I hope many of you will Watch In High Quality, because it looks soooo much better. This is the third version of my trailer to date. The original, in 2006, was the very first Time War video on YouTube, but it has sporned many children since. After about 150,000 views it was deleted at the behest of the BBC, so I made an updated version in 2007 to include the Master’s role in the war. This is the final update, with Davros and the Cult of Skaro, and in my opinion it’s also the best version :) The other trailers have gone now. They burned like the Earth. Please don’t post asking for their return.
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