Tachanka【War Thunder】

The most powerful vehicles in the Soviet tree. They single-handedly helped me research the entirety of Soviet Tier-I, so uhh, they’re pretty cool in my book. I don’t think I’ve shot down a single plane with them yet, though... Admittedly, I was surprised how well they do after a few games with them. They’re vulnerable to literally everything, but inversely, things that would normally kill you end up not killing you. If anything, I lost more trucks to flipping over as I banked a corner at high speeds rather than enemy fire. That said, Stuarts are the one thing you can’t penetrate ever, and matchmaking loves sticking you with the Germans. It took three days to record and edit this, and I barely was able to finish it without getting absolutely disgusted. It also turns out the stuttering from the Sturmpanzer video was because I was using the wrong GPU, so I switched that right over, and everything seems to have corrected itself. Thank god.
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