【恋人的谎言】第4集 | 贾青、丁一宇、胡宇崴主演 | The Girls’ Lies EP4 | Starring: Jia Qing, Jung Il Woo, George Hu

⭐️更多独家热剧欢迎订阅/Subscribe now to watch more dramas 【华策影视官方频道 China Huace TV Official Channel】 【华策影视青春剧场 HUACE GLOBAL FUN】 ▶️电视剧《#恋人的谎言》完整播放列表: ▶️The Girls’ Lies Full Eps Playlist: ►剧集信息: 导演: 吴建新 主演: #贾青 / #丁一宇 / #胡宇崴 / 赵圆瑗 类型: 剧情 / 爱情 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 首播: 2023-05-20(中国大陆) 集数: 50 单集片长: 45分钟 又名: 妻子的谎言3 ►剧情简介: 舒菲与林菲是情同姐妹的闺蜜。大学时期,学长奇然心仪林菲,但林菲无意奇然。一直默默关心奇然的舒菲怕其伤心,便假借林菲之名与奇然书信往来。毕业后,舒菲林菲被购物电视台录取,舒菲因误会导演蓝天骚扰女生而与之结识,却也发现自己的上司竟是奇然。奇然与林菲重逢而开心,处处关心林菲。舒菲见此,内心失落,开始潜心工作,却与蓝天在工作的打打闹闹中情愫互生。而林菲在职场中迷失自己,在得知舒菲学生时期假扮自己与奇然写信的秘密后,便利用奇然感情,嫁祸舒菲泄露商业机密致使公司面临倒闭。唯有蓝天深信舒菲,用计揭穿林菲谎言。面对舒菲的宽容,林菲终悔悟。最后,在蓝天的鼓励下,舒菲靠乐观坚强的精神再次证明自己,也确认了对蓝天的心意。励志少女获得爱情事业的双丰收。 ►Synopsis: Shu Fei and Lin Fei are besties. When they were in college, Qi Ran, as their senior, was fond of Lin Fei, but Lin Fei was never that into him. With secret concerns for Qi Ran, Shu Fei set to correspond with him on Lin Fei’s part for fear that he be grieved. After graduation, the two close friends were both admitted into a TV station for shopping. Shu Fei became friends with the director, Lan Tian, after clearing up the misunderstanding of his harassment of women colleagues. Accidentally she found their boss turned out to be Qi Ran. Qi Ran was happy about his reencounter with Lin Fei and even cared much about her, which reinforced Shu Fei’s sense of loss. Devoting herself to work instead, Shu Fei developed a closer relationship with Lan Tian. Lost and delirious in mind, Lin Fei framed Shu Fei for leaking trade secrets that caused the company to go bankrupt after she found out their secret correspondence. At that time, only Lan Tian believed in Shu Fei without a shadow of doubt. He investigated her out of all the lies. Lin Fei finally realized her mistakes under the forgiveness given by her best friend. After many trial and tribulation, Shu Fei succeeded with the encouragement of Lan Tian and she also figured out her feelings for him… 💖更多独家精彩内容 欢迎订阅💖 华策星风尚 Huace Stars: 华策音乐 Huace Music: Huace TV English: Huace TV Vietnam: Huace TV Arabic: Huace TV Thai: Huace TV Español: Huace TV Russian: Huace TV Indonesia: Huace TV Turkish: Huace TV French: Huace TV Polska: 🤗更多追剧信息 欢迎关注🤗 华策影视Facebook: 华策影视Twitter: 华策影视Instagram: 🔥更多华策热播剧集🔥 刘亦菲、李现《去有风的地方》 曾舜晞、梁洁《我可能遇到了救星》 王凯、谭松韵《向风而行》 谭松韵、宋威龙、张新成《以家人之名》 龚俊、乔欣《沉睡花园》 迪丽热巴、吴磊《长歌行》 夏宁骏、曦子《偷心画师》 胡一天、沈月《致我们单纯的小美好》 黄子韬、吴倩《夜空中最闪亮的星》 吴倩、张雨剑《我只喜欢你》 鹿晗、关晓彤《甜蜜暴击》 唐晓天、孙千《拾光里的我们》 符龙飞、韩忠羽《爱上萌ƃ
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