Extinct Marine-Species Vocalization Study

0:00 Intro 0:23 Cymbospondylus Youngorum 1:14 Leedsichthys Problematicus 2:17 Liopleurodon Ferox 3:14 Pliosaurus Funkei 3:56 Kronosaurus Queenslandicus 4:46 Elasmosaurus Platyurus 5:32 Mosasaurus Hoffmannii 6:37 Perucetus Colossus 7:20 Basilosaurus Cetoides 8:53 Livyatan Melvillei An ongoing study utilizing the most recent scientific data on reptile, mammal, marine vertebrates vocalizations. Sounds are produced by myself and digitally workshopped from modern mammals, reptiles, and a handful of fish for the Leedsichthys. Using modulated proportions, one can attempt to recreate the flow of sound, frequency, and volume of each animal. Much study is required for each particular species, and often several phases are trashed due to general unlikelihood. The final results are based on acute representations of what sounds would be most comfortable and base-line for each animal. Citations:
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