MUSSELS steamed in beer | Bart van Olphen

Hi everyone! I’m here with a new Fishy Friday. So glad you’re watching. The summer months mark the start of the season for mussels here in the Netherlands. One of my favorites! Incredibly delicious, healthy, easy to prepare and so much fun to eat with friends and family. You can prepare these tasty shells in many different ways. I got inspired by the Belgians today, who are not only great in producing beers, but also love to cook with it. Mussels and beer is a golden combination. You steam the mussels briefly on a high heat in beer, giving them a slight bitterness. Pour yourself a nice beer and enjoy! You can find the full recipe here: For my Dutch followers: See you next Fishy Friday! Follow me on Instagram for more cooking inspiration and remarkable stories of sustainable fisheries. #fishtales #seatales #newvideo #cookingshow #food #seafood #bestfood #recipe #mussels #cookingwithbeer #seafoodwithastory #sustainable
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