advertisement : TO READ BEFORE SUBSCRIBE : no prob, you can dislike, but it must be greater to explain what is wrong for you, if it’s musical, I will try to rectify. if it’s political, I must advise you to change your points of view, I don’t do politics or religion. I knoiw my first videos, particulary one with most successful views “slavic rap | slavic warrior“ is politized, but it’s from 2012, so 8 years has passed, I think I have right to change, I will not change to do black music, but I’m reserving right to do ethnically mixed music if I get inspired like this, life is more complex than skin colors. thank you if you understand, you have right to unsuscribe or not subscribe if it’s not your way.
of course, if it’s a musical problem, I will do my best for all taste.
SLAWOWYCZ, Slavic Beatmaker. (Ukrainian descent) France.
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5 months ago 01:09:24 1
«Метафизика времени в романе Уильяма Фолкнера «Шум и ярость». Лекция Максима Жука