Arming merchant men at sea (1940)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British men at sea occupied with shipping and trade Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: On Guard - On the Sea and Above It UNKNOWN: EXT EXPLOSIONS In sea. xG. FLYING BOATS . Coastal Patrol: gunner: photographer: etc. G. SHIPPING Arming merchant ships: training crews: sea explosion single ship from air. “SUNDERLAND“, . Flying Boat . Coastal Patrol:photographer:gunner etc. G. Ships and Boats; Munitions and Armaments merchants, shipping, trade, trading, Germans, Great Britain, merchantry, Nazi, rations, rationing Backgro...und: British men at sea occupied with shipping and trade FILM ID: VLVA7NXOK8P3Q8172FDYDDXRMLIMF To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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