Moon-seekers. Лунные странники (1999)

Subtitles. Лунные странники (1999) (фрагмент). Интервью с участниками программы Луноход. Moon-seekers (1999) (fragment). Фрагмент о транспортировке космонавта на луноходе. In fragment memories about Lunokhod: Vyacheslav Dovgan (driver of “Lunokhod“), Konstantin Davidkovsky (navigator of “Lunokhod“), Igor Bobyrev (in 1966-1991 the deputy chief of department of the Military-industrial commission of Council of ministers of the USSR), Harry Rogovsky (the deputy general designer of Research Center of G. N. Babakin), Viktor Gorbatko (Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR).
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