[WayV-log] KUN’s Cloud | 🪂Sky diving Ep.1

挑战学跳伞的第一篇终于来啦!当我站在机舱门口,眺望远方,发现,原来这就是我一直向往的天空呀!新的挑战,完成想完成的目标,做想做的事!共勉 스카이다이빙에 도전한 1편이 드디어 나왔어요! 비행기 문 앞에 서서 먼 곳을 바라보며, 이게 내가 오랫동안 바라던 하늘이구나~라고 느꼈어요! 새로운 도전, 이루고 싶은 목표, 하고 싶은 일을 위해 함께 노력해요! My first skydiving episode is finally out! When I was about to jump off the plane, I looked up and thought to myself, “this is the sky I’ve been waiting to see!” I hope we all strive towards new adventures, goals we want to achieve, and anything we put our minds on! WayV Official @official_wayv #WayV #KUN #KUN_Cloud #SkyDiving #威神V #WeiShenV
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