Aden Hails The Queen (1954)

Aden. GV ’Gothic’ entering Aden harbour. SV & SCU local people watching. GV ’Gothic’ in Aden harbour. LV towards and pan, Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh driving in open car through Aden. LV crowd chasing Royal car. GV people swarming after Royal car. SV pan, Royal car on way to crescent garden (civic reception). GV crowds awaiting Queen’s arrival. SV Queen and Prince Philip leaving car. SV people watching. SV troops marching past. SV Queen watching march past. GV native troops marching past, & SV. SCU Queen watching march past. SV armoured cars driving past, followed by camels. SV camels trotting past. SCU crowd. SV Air Marshal Sir Claude Pelly, Commander in Chief of Middle East Air Force, being knighted. CU Arab men watching. SV Seiyid Dubakr Bin Sheikh Al Kaf, the Councillor of the Kathiri State, receives the accolade. SCU Arab men watching. SV Queen putting brooch on coat of Seiyid Dubakr. SCU crowd including air hostess. SCU pan, Queen and Duke leaving by car.
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