Boulder Dam - 1937

This Department of Interior film captures Boulder Dam — better known as Hoover Dam — in the midst of its construction. See how the Colorado River flowed before, and after, the construction of what was then the world’s tallest dam. SUMMARY Part 1 shows the Colorado River and the arid deserts of the Southwest. Bulldozers build a road to the proposed dam site. A train brings in supplies and materials made throughout the U.S. The dam site is surveyed. Shows Boulder City, Nev., including workmen’s dormitories, kitchen, and mess hall. Workers ride to the dam site in trucks and drill and blast out diversion tunnels. Power shovels clear debris. In part 2, diversion tunnels are blasted open and coffer dams are constructed. Bulldozers and trucks clear excavated material. Sand and gravel is brought in by train and is screened, washed, and graded. Concrete is mixed and is carried by truck and locomotive to the dam site. In part 3, concrete is poured into forms. Shows the interior of a tunnel, the inta
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