Xenia and Aston - “the well known dancers dancers from Victoria Vanities etc.“ perform an exhibition dance. They represent Grace and Strength respectively. C/U of Xenia lying on a cushioned couch. Aston leans over her as she cowers and he strokes her arm suggestively. She recoils from him and the camera pulls back. He grabs her and throws her to the ground. He then picks her up from the floor and drags her around the floor. She is wearing a bikini outfit, his is in skimpy shorts. Their dance is full of passion and violence - sexy! He lifts her up and throws her around his body. She falls to the ground. She runs away from him, then back again. She jumps up and throws her legs around his neck. He spins around with her hanging from his neck by the legs. He drops her on the ground. He lifts her up and she leans over backwards as he spins her around above his head. She does various acrobatic poses as she is held aloft. He then holds her by one ankle and one wrist and spins her around. We see this