Suzy Yaraei - Inside of Us (Spontaneous Song)

Toda a Glória que nós buscamos, toda unção que ansiamos sentir, a palavra profética, a palavra de cura já foi depositada dentro de cada pessoa que tem o Espirito Santo morando dentro de seu corpo. This is one of the most beautiful worship songs that I have ever heard, I can feel it moving inside of me, My prayer is that everyone listening to this song may open the ears and the eyes of their heart to seek the presence of the Lord again and let the Glory of The sons of God, the greater Glory of Spirit Covenant that goes beyond the Death Covenant may arise, All of Creation is longing to hear the song you can release from your inner being! In this Featured Worship Video from the 2011 New Year’s conference, Suzy Yaraie leads the attendees in spontaneous worship, reminding us that what we are looking for is already inside of us. “Where is the glory we always sing about; it’s inside my heart. Inside our spirits is where the glory lies; waiting to come out.
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