Spinal exercises

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. Spinal exercises 1. Improve spine flexibility, relieve neck and back pain. 2. Boost energy, strong, powerful, energetic. 3. Improve blood circulation to the brain. 24-36 times a day The spine is the pillar of life. The spine connects every organ, and it has an impact on the function of every organ. Within the spine is the Du Channel, where all Yang Qi (energy) in the body gathers. If the Governor Channel is unobstructed, the energy circulation will be unobstructed. The spine is closely connected with every joint. If there is a problem with the spine, problems will occur with other joints. The qi and blood supply to the brain comes from the spine. If the spine is stiff and qi and blood are blocked, the brain will lack nutrients and age prematurely. ...... Practicing the spine is of great significance, so please pay attention to it and prac
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