MxMxMx/Tripas Sangrentas/Carne Podrida - 3 Way Mincegore Assault (Split) [2022]

MxMxMx shoutout Menso from Pure for doing vox on the first track go check out Pure if you haven’t already for wtv reasonnnnnn 1. I HATE MY WIFE 2. NATURAL BORN BIG TITS (CARNE COVER) Pablo - String Beater Sans - Buckets Tripas Sangrentas 1. Ayeeee 3 way is canceled guys we’re actually dropping out the scene and committing suicide 2. Ultimate masked mincer haggus fan three way split Drums/vox - david Guitar - Josiah Bass - gabriel Carne Podrida 1. RIP LITTLE HANK DALTON 2. I threw human remains down the trash shoot Drums - Danny Guitar and Vox - Enrique 0:00 MxMxMx 3:53 Tripas Sangrentas 6:32 Carne Podrida
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