FESIG 119th Kevin Orlowski : Magnetic Energy the Synthesis of Science & Spirituality
It wasn’t until the 80’s when higher beings communicate with us, presented us with an entire model of the universe and how things function according to their knowledge and expertise.
That led into the development of different types of units of technology in the area of anti gravity, teleportation and free energy in the etheric magnetic process that harnesses and tapping into an unlimited source of energy, some people call it the zero point. Similarly with scalar physics, which starts encroaching on the magnetic model, maybe quantum physics or quantum mechanics, there’s a lot of principles that overlap in this model. They presented a lot of information to us on different areas in life and different topics, and on the technological principles.
What you showed on the toroidal field and the number analysis, the excursion of energy, etheric magnetic energy into a system, all of this exactly relates to how these units function and how they basically harness an etheric magnetic energy to use and return back in