Why is There No Future? - MARK FISHER Lecture

Mark Fisher lecture explaining his concepts of capitalist realism, hauntology, and acid communism. The streamed video aims to simplify these complex concepts to introduce key ideas of his thought. 4:21 - context to capitalist realism 11:36 - capitalist realism 13:31 - capitalist realism and culture 16:38 - capitalist realism and mental health 21:08 - capitalist realism and politics 27:03 - exiting the vampires castle 30:37 - hauntology 35:18 - hauntological culture 36:24 - Dua Lipa hauntology 37:57 acid communism Do you agree with Fisher? Do we mourn for lost futures? has society stagnated? Is there no alternative? Let me know what you think in the comments!
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