Agnikana`s Group - Concert in Vienna (Nov. 2023) | Sri Chinmoy’s music | Spiritual music

The Ensemble Agnikana`s Group is a female ensemble from the Czech Republic that interprets Sri Chinmoy`s music in a vey subtle, beautiful and peaceful way. #AgnikanasGroup #SriChinmoy #MeditationMusic Our first concert took place in June 1997 and since then we have offered over 200 public performances throughout Europe, Asia and Northern America. So far, we have released four music CDs – Bhagaban, In my Heart-Sky, Dream Always Dream and Premaloker. While singing, we attempt to create and maintain an atmosphere of harmony, peace, purity and soulfulness so that each listener could attain as many meditative qualities from our songs as possible and, at the same time, appreciate their melodies. The author of all our songs is our meditation teacher Sri Chinmoy and we present them in the languages they were composed in – Bengali and English. Fortunately, musi
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