Carian Retaliation is Beyond OP, needs to Be Patched - Elden Ring PvP

Here’s a few tips on how to deal with moonveil and mage hunters, while gathering these tips I also discovered something that NEEDS to be patched. As of Elden Ring Patch this is the situation with the ash of war Carian Retaliation: This ash of war is extremely cool, and as a punish should definitely reward the player dealing good damage, too bad it can one shot everything(you can one shot the third to last boss for example...) and you can trigger it yourself without needing a spell parry, the damage scaling with intelligence and shield AR is also most likely unintended and/or broken, the damage at meta level pvp can go past 4000. I don’t think this has speedrun or no hit run applications, but runners might also want to check this, getting the retaliation is probably a significant detour tho.
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