THE FOLLOWING FEATURE IS A VIDEO ANALYSIS. A great example of hologram failure in German HDTV! Reptoids seen to be expose by cameras over and over again.... The solar cross/Templar/Umbrella Corp in the mark and sign of the beast from the bible... It means genetic crossing, hybridization with the serpent Lucifer Satan and Eve... The reptile DNA in humans in most toxic in Jews and Jesuits and Satanists... Reptilians uses liquid crystal holographic technology. Hybrids and Clones have been placed in strategic places to acomplish the NWO Agenda. Wake Up! The Reptilians is a greatly misunderstood race due to our limitations in understanding. The Reptilian Collective consists of several branches. 1) Reptilian: (Pure DNA). 2) Reptoid: (Human- Reptilian Hybrid). 3) Reptilian Hybrid: (Non-Human - Reptilian Hybrid). 4) Draconian: Similar to the original Reptilians, but their physical. This is an amazing liquid crystal failure on HD! Reptilians uses Liquid Crystal Holographic Technology to hide their real form... OPEN YOUR MIND!!! NOT A GLITCH!!! THEY operate in a lower frequency, in which our human senses can’t reach... CONDEMNATION WITHOUT INVESTIGATION IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF IGNORANCE. They Live! ACCEPT LORD CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR. LOVE- PEACE - LIGHT - ABUNDANCE -HARMONY - LIBERTY. By Marinodelfino. London, November 2016.
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