Irga – Evil (animated video)

The song Evil animated video from the album “Welcome to Magovei” will be released on December 15. Old people tell that once a runaway prisoner, a thief, got lost in our woods behind Magovei. Running at breakneck pace from sergeants not knowing our paths to keep away from, he had come to a small forest house, not even a house but a pit dwelling made of stones with no one inside. So he made himself scarce in it. In a while someone came back to this dwelling. It was hard to tell whether that was a host or a hostess - huge, dressed in rags and with the only one tremendous fearful white eye… The same moment she saw him, she stretched her arms to catch and eat him. He had a handsaw which he had used to cut the prisons bars or so to free himself from custody. Thus he took it out and stubbed her with it in the eye and rushed out of that dwelling. On his way he happened to see a chest full of money or so lying on the meadow. Hm, being a thief he couldn’t but take such a wealth. Let’s take at least some
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