Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is August 31, 1980, and this is my AUDIO LETTER No. 57.

In AUDIO LETTER No. 55 I revealed the plan by which the Bolsheviks here intend to provoke a Russian nuclear attack. It involves a deliberate false alert and the use of our secretly deployed Minuteman TX Mobile Missile. If the Bolsheviks here succeed in carrying out the plan, the United States as we now know it will cease to exist. Pearl Harbor USA will die in a thousand Hiroshimas, but the Satanic Bolsheviks here who now control our government will use our sacrifice for their own personal benefit. My friends, these are the things that lie ahead for us unless we, the people, take action to prevent it! Under our CONSTITUTION, this is both our right and our duty. My three special topics this month are: Topic #1--AMERICA’S NUCLEAR FIRST-STRIKE PLANS IN THE NEWS Topic #2--HURRICANE ALLEN AND RUSSIA’S EXPANDING WEATHER WARFARE Topic #3--“STEP TWO“ IN WHAT YOU CAN DO.
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