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About The Song:
This new single “Scraped Sick Thing,” is incredibly special to me. I actually wrote the lyrics for this song and produced most of it in February of 2020, before the pandemic was even on my radar. The song is really just a huge angry anthem for anyone hurting or struggling. There is a line in the song where I say “but I won’t lay down in this virus where we drown.” Obviously, post-pandemic, this line has taken on a newer meaning that I did not intend. Initially, this line (and really the whole song) was alluding to the sensation of being crushed in all the ways a lot of us feel in modern life. Unfortunately (maybe now more than ever) a lot of us feel as if all the bad news and all of the negativity going in the world that threatens our ability to just live a happy life, can make us feel as though we are drowning in some sort of toxic sludge, or as if a virus has taken hold of the systems of our world. I made this song to commiserate with those struggling, validate the struggle, and condemn the need for the struggle. I hope the power of that comes out very clearly when people hear this.
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