👋🌸Snippet Roll Part Deux!😁🌷

Hey All!!👋😃 This is the second part of my fumbling around to make snippet rolls! I know, it takes a long time. 😆 Plus it’s another Craft N Chat!! But i know you’re going to have a blast laughing at the crazy lady repeating don’t think just stick! 🤣🤣 I promise there’s only one more part!! So pull up a chair and craft along!! People i have mentioned in this video are: Luise @luiseheinzl who’s video can be found here: (at least Im oretty sure this is the one) Natasa @TreasureBooks (although i cannot remember why I mentioned her, other than I really like her😉) “Y’all come back now ya hear!” 🥰❤️😍 You can find me on Instagram at And on Pinterest at On Facebook at
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