POLAND: Funeral for the President of Poland (1923)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Funerary procession for Gabriel Narutowicz (first elected President of Poland), assassinated a week after the election Full Description: POLAND: Warsaw: EXT GV bishops walk through large gates followed by mourners carrying coffin. Black smoke from funeral torches carried by soldiers rising in B/G. GV cloth bearing the Polish Eagle emblazoned on it raised over coffin on carriage. GV Polish officers standing outside railings. GV bishops walking in front of coffin borne by mourners and accompanied by soldiers bearing funeral torches. Air filled with black smoke. GV team of horses in black pulling coffin on carriage past in snow. GV two lines of priests in white walk along street covered in snow followed by bishops preceding coffin borne on carriage drawn by team of horses. Snow falling the while. GV groups of officers and civilians
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