172: Nanmu Walking Brachiosaurus (Watchmen, Grey) Review

If ever there were any Jurassic Park dinosaurs I wanted, it would be the most iconic dinosaurs. Since I didn’t like the Velociraptors, for me that leaves Brachiosaurus and T Rex. The T Rex I acquired in the Once and Future King Buck T Rex, and now in this Watchmen Walking grey variant, I have the Brachio. It’s large, as befits a sauropod, and certainly makes an impact on any shelf of Jurassic Park dinosaurs. It displays very nicely next to the W-Dragon Giraffatitan too! With the detail that Nanmu is famous for, and a nice paint application to top it off, this one is a no-brainer if you’ve ever wanted a JP Brachiosaurus. #Nanmu #Watchmen #DinosDragons #Brachiosaurus #JurassicPark #JurassicWorld #FallenKingdom #sauropod #dinosaurs #dinosaur #dinosaurtoys #dinosaurmodels
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