Nativity 2022 Throughout the history of the humankind there has never been any nation having no sense or notion of God. Every nation had it, but sometimes in a very primitive and ignorant way without giving it a theological shape. All people have always turned to God. I started to hold the service tonight, turned around and saw people standing in the church all the way to the entrance. What makes them come here? They can’t sleep. It’s not an easy deal to stand during all the service: your legs and back ache, and it’s a late night. Children have also come and the church is crowded with people. Someone has ever tried to push people away from God by a sort of ideologies or philosophies, and they may be deceived for some time, but then people make a circle and come back as they are attracted to God. A human is disturbed by a sense of God on an unconscious level. People are allowed to go to church after the pandemic now, and here we are, our church is full of people tonight...
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