Frost Prevents A Launch (1926)

Southampton, Hampshire. Title: “FROST PREVENTS A LAUNCH. Lady Chatfield attempts in vain to launch . ’Amazon’ which held fast on the Slipway“. C/U of a young woman draped in furs (Lady C.), in one hand she holds a bunch of flowers, the other is placed on a lever, a crowd of official looking people surround her. M/S of an expectant crowd of people waiting on the quayside, in the foreground is the stern of the ship, a champagne bottle on a swing smashed against the ship. M/S of two men chipping ice of the enormous runners the ship is supposed to slide down to get into the sea. L/S of the ship in dock, tilt down to show a few people standing around the snowy quayside. L/S of a gang of men tugging at a rope attached to the frozen runners on the slipway. L/S of the ship. After a second of white spacing the cuts / out takes follow. Some more shots of Lady C. chatting and smiling to people on the quayside, she is also seen being shown how to operate the launch lever. Otherwise, shots are
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