Gloom, reflection and growth; stress, redemption and grace: Bach’s prelude BWV 999 is brought musicological clarity – informed by scholar Christoph Wolff – to its bass line (measure 23). And its texture treated like a fabric of interdependent melodies.
Mattias Schulstad, guitar
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“Immaculate and sensitive playing that takes a listener to the heart of Bach’s music.“ —Tim Page
“Mattias calls it ’premium grade Bach.’ And he says he hopes to present it as a piece of music, not just an exercise. And we think you succeeded.“ —
...BBC Radio 3
Audio produced by David Frost and Mattias Schulstad
Audio mixing and mastering: Silas Brown
Audio editing: Mattias Schulstad
Recording dates: February 9 & 13; April 20-24; AuguShow more