A MAP i hosted for my friends and VK subscribers :) It was partially meant to carry some cultural flavour. And I believe it does xD There was a number of conditions: - through the main character each participant should express their own feelings and emotions - the faces/gestures should be as expressive as they could be - there was a colour palette for each time of the day, and it should be strictly followed - the participants were asked not to seek perfection and regard the MAP as fun activity - they only had 2 weeks. Editing and collecting the remain parts took another week. So it took us 3 weeks in total. OF course, there were people who missed the due date, but there were only four of them, which is not many and i’m really happy about it. Looks like we treated this un-serious MAP very seriously :) ПЕСНЯ/THE SONG: ЧАЙФ - Оранжевое Настроение THE PARTICIPANTS: DarkMoonRAY Toha Ridomesu -
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